Friday, May 14, 2010

The Eighth

Dear Mark H - Howdy Hoo Kangaroo,

Hey there!  How are you?   How is the wife and son?  Being a father everything you expected it to be?

I must confess, my first desire for this blog started with you.  I was looking back through old emails and read some of our earlier correspondences.  Reading them, I began to feel a sense of home sickness.  I wanted to write you and just act like old times.  I can't tell why I did not.  Perhaps, somewhere our friendship became somewhat stale.  It seemed after a while our conversations became the same.  I'm not sure how to make it not what it has become but I loved our rants back and forth, I loved the yearning for deeper thought, our discussions of the gospel, scriptures, love, bettering ourselves and the such.  I loved the songs - I will never be able to sing "If all the rain drops" again without thoughts of you.

Is it odd that I still consider you a good friend even though we have never met?  Truly, our friendship indicates the best pen pal'ing around a girl could ask for.  I love the random calls I get from you.  I'm so happy to see the progress in your life - everyone has their own road to drive down and you seemed to have done a pretty good job of staying your course.  Keep on it - I'll look forward to what awaits you!

As for me, send a little something for my mind to nibble on.

Missing you,

Mel P

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