Monday, May 10, 2010

The Fourth

May 10, 2010

Dear Paula Deen,

I have never watched your show nor read any of your cook books so I am not even sure if it is appropriate to write you a letter.  With that being said, I do know you are a GA girl who loves butter so the base of who we are just happens to be the same.  My confession: late last night after my kids were in bed and my friends had left - I partook of your ooey, gooey, chocolate butter cake goodness that surely came from the cooking gods of the South.  In case you didn't realize it, I enjoyed it - mare than enjoy - I delighted in every morsel that graced my mouth and set my taste buds a flurry.  I only ate 1/3 of the piece I bought, but I cherished it.  I even let my children eat some this morning just so the could also know what the devine tastes like.

Paula, today has been wretched and I can't help but watch the clock, counting down til when I can snuggle up with a book and finish the rest.  I will seek solace and comfort as I succomb to the confection your genius has designed.  For this oh so sweet relief, I thank you.

Today you are my friend,

Mel P

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