Monday, August 23, 2010

The Eighteenth

Dear State of NC, County of Mecklenburg, and City of Charlotte,

As a contributing member of society, also known as a tax payer, who winced as she wrote her check to pay her dues this year, I must confess - I do believe you are wasting my money!

For example, as I drove into the city, I noticed multiple signs indicating the buildings located in uptown. 1st - if those working at the Bank of America building do not know where it is, perhaps, they should find a new place of employment - might I recommend Taco Bell (I hear they can make a mean chicken burrito by the way) 2nd - Signs for the Nascar Hall of Fame - This just happens to be a building that can be seen from the 277 loop easily. If the tourists can't find it, perhaps our local businesses would benefit from the idiots stopping by to purchase maps, snacks, and the such as they ask for directions (mind you, I hear gas station coffee is watered down, maybe they ought to steer clear from that). 3rd - what does the orange block with a white S on it mean? I have lived in this beautiful city for twelve years and have yet to figure it out. How will someone not from here know if I don't? Plus - did we really need to go with orange, I would have opted for a livelier color. Might I suggest cranberry? Or better yet, rasberry, that is the color of my luggage after all.

In short, I am boggled by the changes being made. I hate to see that we are so completely wasting money yet we have to close our libraries, our school system is severely lacking and I can't drive down any road for more than five minutes without swerving to miss a pot hole. How is it these basic needs are over looked for more frivolous matters? I understand there are many schools of thought however I firmly believe that if we fix the core the rest will follow suit - after all who wants to buy a house with a fresh coat of paint but is infested with termites?

Wanting my money to go to better use,

Mel P

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