Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Twenty First

Dear Spencer,

I have given my letter to you much thought and it will not turn out to be what I had once considered making it.

A few weeks ago, you posted a link that sparked something of a little debate. You made reference to sure knowledge you have accumulated over the past year. Who am I to argue with one's version of sure knowledge? Tell you what - I'm not even going to try. Instead, I am just going to tell you what I believe as that is all I have to offer.

I believe in the good. I believe in choice. I believe in hope, faith, and love. I believe that in order to believe one mustn't have sure knowledge as it then ceases to be a belief. I believe (even though I can't say with a surety) that there is someone across the world doing something wonderful for someone else. I believe that in the end what matter's most is how we treat our fellow man. I believe it is no one's place to judge nor look down upon others. Likewise, I also believe there is no room to tear anyone down only to try to build ourselves up. I believed I was once broken only to think I wasn't only to realize I was. I believe I am the only person who has the control of myself to let go and love again. I believe one day I might make that jump. I believe that I've been knocked down but I will stand up again.

In the end, Spencer, I believe that believing makes people better. It's what makes life worth living. It's what compels us to move forward, to take chances, to improve. In fact, I believe that believing might be the single most important action anyone takes and the hardest. Anyone can follow sure knowledge. The true challenge comes in following something of meaning and taking a chance you could be wrong.

Still believing and willing to fall,

Mel P

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